Atlanta Boudoir

OWN Boudoir Blog

This boudoir blog details up-to-date information, boudoir sessions, boudoir tips, and photography insights from OWN boudoir studio. This blog is the best place to find current boudoir work, travel dates, product descriptions, and internal musings! Can't get enough of this boudoir blog? Check out my Instagram! It's full of new boudoir sessions and photography.

Posts tagged atlanta boudoir website
Get featured on our website! | Atlanta Boudoir Photographer

Are you interested in featuring your boudoir images on our homepage? You can be an Atlanta boudoir client, a Chicago boudoir client, a San Francisco client, a boudoir client from Mars....  it doesn't exactly matter.


Last night we sent out a mass email to our past boudoir clients asking if they’d like to be featured on our website! If you’re a past client and did NOT get that email (but would still like the grace the pages of our website) please let us know! 


See, it’s been a hot neon second (which is a term I definitely just made up) since I’ve added new images to the homepage of our website. We update our blog and instagram constantly, but that first page hasn’t been updated in about a year and a half. 

Cue the “slacker” comments, because OMG I know. Sorry folks. It’s not like it takes up that much more time than a blog post (like this one), it’s just that I have such a hard time knowing what to feature! 

This is where my brilliant idea came in to let my past clients have a say in what get’s featured. As a photographer I of course have my favorite images, but a boudoir experience isn’t about me creating images for myself. A boudoir experience – your boudoir experience – is about you and creating images that you love and that elevate you. 


Are you a past client that did not see our email but would absolutely like to be featured? Let me know! I can’t wait to showcase the new homepage!