Atlanta Boudoir Photography

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I wanted to show you what my studio space looks like! My studio is a Loft in Midtown Atlanta, Georgia; right in the heart of the city (click here for a map). It's nice to have a visual ahead of time so you can visualize yourself in the space. Plus I want you to feel as comfortable as possible going into your shoot!

The brass frame turns into a bed frame; The antique-y looking mirror is used for an effect that lets you see multiple angles. 

The mirror again! And removable see-through curtains are used for a soft, romantic effect. 

Chairs, chairs, chairs! All three have very different looks to give variety for photos.

Accessories! Pillows, lingerie, and jewelry pieces that you may have forgotten to bring or may not have realized would look fabulous in your photos. 

A view of the furniture, all with multiple uses. The orange "mad men" couch also folds out to form a bed.

Workspace! And a couple of hand weights for mini workout sessions aka purse hook. 

Shall I explain the champagne and two glasses? :) Also, a broader look at the windows and natural light. 

A mix of old and new! Film and film camera. And perfume!! I have a lot of feminine/make-you-feel-pretty things just laying around for your indulgence. 

And me! Come meet me and check out the studio for yourself! I'm excited to meet you!

Interested in booking your OWN boudoir session? Click here.