Atlanta Boudoir Photography

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Mystery and Madness

I'm feeling very naked right now. 

Though, I am also feeling very grateful. As I start the 2nd week of 2015 I am sitting in a house on the coast of Oregon with 12 other women– 4 of us knowing each other. 

This is a random gathering of the minds. We have some photographers, a few writers, one musician (though I suspect there are some secret talents among us), and two salon owners. All of us are incredibly passionate about what we have decided to do with our lives, and all of us are still deciding on what we've decided to do with our lives. 

While we've been here for two days, we have our first 'meeting' this afternoon in which we introduced ourselves. In the same 'meeting' we were poked and prodded to open up about who we are and what inspires us. The amount of tears and vulnerability was completely mind blowing as each of us talked of loves, losses, being frauds, needing rest, sex, sucky bosses, and asshole kids. 

The thing that I am loving the most during this week is that even though we've only been here 2 days, and we had never met each other, there is a sense of freedom and vulnerability that has been assumed and adopted. None of us feel afraid to sneak away for some alone time when the presence of 12 women becomes too much. None of us feel ashamed to talk about the dirtiest of thoughts or the most unconventional of childhoods. None of us feel judged when discussing our sacrifices for those we love, or the regrets we have because we love. 

There is freedom. 

When I realized that freedom, mystery, and madness where to be the defining words of the week I immediately thought of you gorgeous women that are owning their beauty. I want you to feel that freedom, mystery, and madness with me so that you can take it in to your own lives. Having yourself photographed in a way that is vulnerable, sensual, and awakening should have an affect on your life for the better. You should walk away with a confidence and a realization that since we only have this one body that you should love it, curse it, embrace it, neglect it, and all of the other things whenever you feel like it. Most of all, however, you should OWN it. It's yours. Stop looking to other people and outlets for how you should behave and know that you have a freedom to cry and to smile, but mostly you have freedom. Own it. 






Bonus: To give you an idea of the history of the women in attendance, we have women with: Big asses, tiny heads, acne, husbands that piss us off, bipolar disorder, allergies, suicidal parents, religious questions, food preferences, kids, ex lovers, substance problems, curiosities, neediness, and fan-fiction obsessions. 


Here are a few photos from our location: