Atlanta Boudoir Photography

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If you're wondering...

If you're wondering what I'm doing now that September has started and school is in session you can better believe that it has nothing to do with what day it is or the education system! That's right, I'm over here not knowing what month it is and staying up past 11pm on a school night. 

So far this has been my busiest month this year. For me that means I'll be sticking my head in a lingerie-themed hole for the next few weeks as I try to control the chaos. On the days that I'm not shooting you can find me in last-week's pajamas trying to find my iPhone cord. I wish that I could say I'm one of those people that puts on a suit in order to walk 5 ft to my desk– but no. 

In the midst of this crazy April– er, I mean Septmber? right?– I am constantly distracted by the remarkable images that you guys are helping me create. Yes... that's right, I am giving you credit! Though the camera and the ideas may be mine, the trust and the confidence is all yours. It is a quadruplezillionbillion times easier to edit 10,000 images when they are all uniquely beautiful.

Seriously. You guys are swell.