Atlanta Boudoir Photography

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Kate Moss for Playboy- Atlanta boudoir inspiration

Playboy is likely one of the first things that pops in your mind when you are trying to describe boudoir. If it isn't, then it is one of the first things that is popping into the mind of whoever you are describing boudoir to.

While I think that boudoir is a bit different than Playboy (or a LOT different), I think we could still look to the zine for inspiration from time to time! 

Cue Kate Moss's recent shoot for the publication. The images are absolutely amazing, and definitely not pornographic. They are quite beautiful, which is what you get I guess when you ask a fashion model to wear the bunny ears. 

The shoot is immediately inspiring to me. I love the lingerie she wears (and doesn't!), the lighting, the fabrics (hello cheap green couch), the posing, how classy it is....all of it. I think that my favorite set of images is the series of her in the black fishnets. That set would be perfect for a boudoir shoot. You may feel slightly idiotic as I ask you to prance around in fishnets, but I swear you'll look amazing. 

I could go on, but look for yourself. Here is the link:

Warning, this is definitely NSFW.

Also, if any of you ladies here in Atlanta and around would like to channel some of these images for your own boudoir shoot then please don't hesitate to say so. 

The opening image for Kate Moss's spread.